Saturday, September 11, 2010

"Going Green"

Here are some facts for you to ponder on!!!!
*For every TON of paper we recycle, we save save 7,000 Gallons of Water, 380 Gallons of Oil, and enough Electricity to Power an average house for 6 months.
* By recycling ONE glass bottle you save enough Electricity to power a 100 Watt Bulb for hours.
* A T.V. can be ran up to 6 hours by recycling 1 Aluminum Can.

Low income, minorities and poverty stricken families are statistically shown to be affected the most. The environment we live in and the things that are affordable play a huge part in diseases that are common such as Asthma, Cancer, and lead Poisining. These diseases impact the human race physically as well as mentally. The average Transportation cost are 40% of every Dollar... Think thats bad? How about Drinking a big Glass of chemicals? Sound YUMMY? One of our biggeest threats in the united states is waste! Waste will lead to contamination in the water and soil. Contamination of chemicals that will not be able to be removed.

Try this one on for size!!

Did you know that the United States Home only 25% of the WORLDS population? which consumes 25% of the WORLDS energy, and Generates 25% of GLOBAL WARMING POLLUTION. 

 How about SAVING MONEY???? Going Green can save you lots of money as well as help conserve or natural resources.

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